Creature feature: Betsy

Surely, this is the most comical animal I have ever owned. You guys all know the story. You know I never intended to have a miniature cow. I do not, however, regret her for a minute. She is hilarious! Her 2ft snaking tongue is just the beginning.

She makes dogs look like polite Victorians in the toot department. She snores. She gets very excited when she sees the brush and forces herself between me and anyone I might be brushing first. She gets terrified when she sees Patsy’s lead, possibly because she associates it with the TRAILER RIDE she had to take to get here. She drools. A lot. Her nose is ALWAYS wet. And she makes the most ridiculous faces.

She makes me think of the Sandra Boynton/Five for Fighting “Penguin Lament”…

“Can anyone small be anyone serious?… I’M SERIOUS!”

Someone please write me the mini-cow lament!

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