MLK weekend

The children made the most of our recent three day weekend.  Adam had his first non-cousin sleepover at a friend’s house.  It was his friend’s first sleepover as well.  Neither of them slept comfortably.  🙂  From what he said, he and Ben (whose father’s name is Mike- not kidding!) mostly did the same stuff Adam does around here by himself, like messing around with a ball while listening to an audiobook.  But they did it together, which made all the difference, and was worth the interrupted sleep.

Maria made dinner for us on Saturday.  She’d been craving twice-baked potatoes, so she made those with the Christmas kale salad on the side.  The whole thing was her idea, mind you.  She did a great job.  It was delicious and we enjoyed it greatly.  I also enjoyed the fact that she accidentally used chard instead of kale in the salad.  Turns out it’s good that way, too, but if you know Maria you know how she feels about swiss chard!

On Sunday she decided to make a quilt.  I confess to thinking this was going to go the way of many of her ideas and end up being unfinished, discarded, and cleaned up by me.  Instead, she stayed with it, planning it well one day and sewing the top together the next.  It was a perfect project size for a weekend, and with the piecing done, can be put aside and quilted slowly over the next few.

If you’re interested, here is the Kale apple and pancetta salad recipe that has been so popular here this winter.  Obviously, bacon can be substituted for the pancetta for those of us with house payments instead of yacht payments, and now Maria has proven that chard can be substituted for kale.  It’s a great balance of flavors… kind of like a successful patchwork quilt top.  🙂



Our Christmas tree

Remember the picture of our beautiful Christmas tree?  Here it is now:


The sheep and goats have certainly enjoyed it.  They may not be quite finished with it yet.

This is exactly why I am not opening the second pasture again until the spring grass starts to grow.

6 degrees

It’s freezing outside, but the sheep haven’t actually noticed.  Their wool is as long as my fingers.  Mr Tumnus was shivering a little this morning, but Lois knows how to stay warm. She has trained her boys well.


The Post of Christmas Past

I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas season.  I know we did.  It started off with some shopping and lots of gift making.


Maria and Adam made hand warmers for all their cousins.  We also made stocking caps, and a bow tie, and a quilt, and a shawl, and a cactus pin cushion, and potholders, and a beer glass, and slippers, and socks, and… I’m sure there’s more, but I’ve lost track.  It was fun.


We went to church twice on Christmas eve, as the children volunteered to participate in both services.  I think Maria would have gone to the Christmas morning one, too, if we hadn’t had to cook.  Grammie and Papa came for the feast and it was a good one if I do say so myself.  Maria even wants to keep the recipe for the kale salad.  Yes!


Maria sat in her new chair with her new slippers and book so long that she got bungee marks on her backside.

Adam made breakfast from his new cookbook while wearing the smock Maria made him.  It was yummy.


When the partying was finally over on Epiphany, we stripped the tree and fed it to the goats and sheep.  It was a great end to a great season.

May this new year be one of fulfillment for all of you.

Adam’s Birthday

Adam does not approach his birthday party the same way as Maria does.  She likes to arrange activities and decorations.  He just wants dessert and a mob of children or game adults to play sports with him.  It’s tough when you are the only really athletic person in the family.


Among other things, he got a rebounder soccer net so the ball will bounce back to him.  For the day of his party, though, he and his cousins used the big net and played until they were sweaty.  He loved it.


Adam didn’t have cake this year; he wanted trifle.  It was significantly reduced by the time I got a picture. (Actually, this isn’t even supposed to be a picture of the ‘cake’, but I don’t remember what silly thing Tara was doing when I took this.  🙂

I think Adam was hoping for lots of leftovers, but the trifle was demolished by the time everyone went home.  I think it was all that soccer playing .