Adam’s Birthday

Adam does not approach his birthday party the same way as Maria does.  She likes to arrange activities and decorations.  He just wants dessert and a mob of children or game adults to play sports with him.  It’s tough when you are the only really athletic person in the family.


Among other things, he got a rebounder soccer net so the ball will bounce back to him.  For the day of his party, though, he and his cousins used the big net and played until they were sweaty.  He loved it.


Adam didn’t have cake this year; he wanted trifle.  It was significantly reduced by the time I got a picture. (Actually, this isn’t even supposed to be a picture of the ‘cake’, but I don’t remember what silly thing Tara was doing when I took this.  🙂

I think Adam was hoping for lots of leftovers, but the trifle was demolished by the time everyone went home.  I think it was all that soccer playing .


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